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"Who then can so softly bind up the wound of another as he who has felt the same wound himself"
Thomas Jefferson.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thinking Positive....

We all hear someone telling us to think positive instead of negative at some point in our lives. For the most part I thought it was B.S. My answer to that when someone would say it to me was always, "you try living in my shoes and then come back and tell me you could think positive." Wrong answer I know, but at the time I liked it.

When I started really getting into my own recovery and started thinking positively, I began to notice things. Such as if I was thinking positive then ideas would happen, if I was thinking negative then negative things would happen. One thing I never thought about was why bad things kept happening to myself and it took me playing games to finally figure it out.

I could be online playing in a game room, be defeating everyone, and then crash my game time and winning streak would go down the drain! When I began to realize what was going on, I started to take notice around me. I noticed if I had my school work or my paperwork for work done then I would win. If I didn't have that kind of stuff done, I'd lose.


So was it because of the positive actions that I had done prior to playing those video games or was it just skill?

Then I began trying it with other things in my life. Such as the support group I started at work. As long as I stayed positive about it and encouraged people to come to it, they did, and all my consumers enjoyed it. If I didn't encourage them, they didn't come. Again, fate or negative planning?

Out of all the experiments that I have tried, (I hate to admit it when I'm wrong BTW. LOL), but the positive thinking and positive actions does really work compared to thinking in the negative and doing negative actions.

Another thing I have noticed is when I'm around negative people it's bad for me. Negative things then start working their way back into my life, which for me seems to be harder to deal with as opposed to me being the negative one. Mainly I think because I have to keep my mouth shut so that I don't say or do something I'll regret. I have come to realize that not everyone is happy or positive 100% of the time and many people fake it which again puts off bad auras.

We can all have positive thoughts, turn a negative into a positive, and look at the world as an encouraging place to be. We don't need the negative, unless we choose to be unhappy.


Some tips to thinking positive:

1) Make yourself a list of POSITIVE daily affirmations to say to your self.
2) Look in the mirror as you say them and actually believe them.
3) Find something to smile about each day, no matter how simple it is.
4) Try turning a negative thought into a positive thought.
5) Think of everything in a positive manner instead of in a negative way.
6) Take each step one day at a time and think them through before you take them.

Try them, you might find they actually work. One thing though, you have to try them more then once. LOL. You have to be persistent with your thoughts and actions.

Good Luck and Positive Thinking......

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