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"Who then can so softly bind up the wound of another as he who has felt the same wound himself"
Thomas Jefferson.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Relaspe, just bad or is there some good to it?

For many of us, fear of relapsing is the stopper that allows us to recover. We fear we might cut again, take that drink, smoke that cigarette, eat too little or too much, and even fall back into a spiraling depression. According to Psychology Today magazine (July/August 2010) " relapse is like riding a bike, everyone falls once." They also went onto state that "if handled right the right way, relapse can actually open the door to lasting success." The entire article, "The New Quitter" (pages 79-85), is actually pretty interesting. If you can find it online, please take a minute to read it.

 I (personally) normally find magazine articles full of crap, but this one drew my attention right away as it made comments that I've made where myself is concerned. That's what drew me to it. After all, for many, the number one reason for relapse is almost always an emotional this or that that pushes us over-board. If we are to overcome these relapses, we need to find a way to overcome our emotional issues I personally find this correct. By me relapsing into my depression I am able to see clearly what went wrong and there for I am able to help myself correct the issue or find a way to avoid that trigger.

Besides, our illness didn't happen overnight so we shouldn't expect our recovery to happen overnight either. Keep your goals small and you will see bigger results. But don't give up on your goals either! Attend a WRAP class, a Wellness class, DBT, CBT or even a WMR class  and you will soon see results in what your looking for. Bottom line: Don't ever give up on yourself! You're too valuable of a person to be letting a small thing like relapse kill the recovery that you have made.

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