Today I am officially launching my business into cyberspace. YEAH!!!
This blog/website is for those who are searching for recovery but might just need that little umph to help them get there. I will teach ways for that to happen as well as sharing books and articles, conferences I attend, and so much more.
We all deserve to be happy in life, even if it is a hard thing to find for someone with a mental illness, but it is possible. If you had told me years, hell even months ago that I wouldn't be able to recover I would have just agreed with you. I found no hope in anything that I did. I found no hope in anything that I desired, not even my family. That being said, I have to take a look at where I am today and I am thrilled.
I am attending school to become a Psychiatrist, starting my own company, a motivational speaker, and am a Certified Peer Support Specialist. I am damn proud of myself! You can be at this point in your life, just let go and let things roll as they come and KNOW that you CAN RECOVER if you allow yourself to KNOW that you can. HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF!!!!!!
Recovery doesn't mean that you will be healed of all that ails you, it doesn't mean that you can't have a bad day, it doesn't mean that you should stop taking your medicines, and it doesn't mean that you have to give up all the things that have helped you heal up to this point. Recovery is different for everyone. No one has the same two paths towards recovery, no matter if they have the same illness or not. Each person is completely different from the next, making our paths different. But that doesn't mean that you have to go at it alone. We are all here to help one another get through the tough times, even if it doesn't feel like it.
Have a wonderful day! Keep smiling or find one tiny thing to smile about!
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